
the future

The future is uncertain. I've got so many ideas in my head that it's hard to focus on one at a time. I'll stumbleupon a site or two that seem to offer suggestions for maintaining ideas or getting things done, but I never really take that advice to heart. It's hard to follow instructions that seem to go against what I'm all about.

For instance, I want to design another t-shirt, but since I've moved, everything needed is strewn about multiple boxes. It's hard to get things done when you don't know where everything is.

Another thing is that I want to get to drawing a comic strip with original characters. I have a great origin story for him, and a general idea on how I want him to look, but I feel like I'm 'borrowing' too much from existing sources. Sure, I'm changing things up a little, but it might be straying too far from homage, and leaning towards, "your mother's a tracer!"

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