

I had 5 visits to this site yesterday! Although this doesn't even come close to the most hits in one day (6), this is still monumental. I'm curious as to why, but I'm not going to argue.

That being said, I did notice that someone came to my site using the keywords "camel toe youngsters". Granted, I did have a post referring to "Camel Toads"...but I don't know where the youngsters came from. I swear.


Jess said...

Ah, search terms are always fun. I've been getting a handful lately about aunt fucking. FREAKS.

Anonymous said...

Dear Geoff,
I am currently generating some hits to your site, in order to keep you a happy chap, but I had nothing to do with the camel toes. I have a beard as well btw. Like you have I mean. Now, considering all this, is it too much to ask that you get back to me on the mail I sent you the 20th regarding this site? Must be the torrent of reader feedback sweeping your inbox. If not, I'll start it. Regards, Jonas